head over heels is right indeedy! if you're talking about the way i feel about (SWOON!) bruce patman that is! the love of my sweet valley life falls in love for the first time and if it was with anyone but regina morrow i would be seriously annoyed, kind of like how i felt during sweet valley confidential about EVERYTHING!
i digress.
so bruce (SWOON!) falls in love with regina and everyone is like - what? regina?! but she's like DEAF! well hells yeah she's deaf, but you totally CANNOT tell because she learnt to lip read real good in special schools and because she can hear "tones" she can talk totally normally! most peeps down at the SVH campus think the whole thing is whack and that bruce is just an asshole in a nice shirt with a cute deaf girl on his arm and that's all it'll ever be, but GUESS WHAT you guys, bruce (SWO... ah you get my point!) proves you (not me, because i like totally get him) all wrong by giving up dinners in the mansion with regina so that she can go live in SWITZERLAND for a year and be cured of her deafness! because, kids, in sweet valley there 'aint nothin' a dude called dr. friederich can't fix if you got the right kind of cashola.
who's wondering what jess has been up to this whole time? she's out busy trying to sabotage bruce & regina's relationship because if she does then lila will TOTALLY write her term paper. super idea jess, except that everyone knows LILA CAN'T EVEN READ GOOD let alone write a passable history term paper and then when you get a D on your paper you will be like - GAH! got to make plans to steal lila's construction worker boyfriend! OMG SERIOUSLY? jess is also to be found during this book out in the fiat convertible crushing on boys who used to be deaf before they met dr. friederich which is pretty cool and really open minded of her really. probably this could be the most open minded we've seen jess, she should get some props here...
actually maybe not, only because of the bit where jess calls regina's house later and is like - "can i talk to regina please" and her mum is like "dude, regina is deaf y'all!" and jess is like "oh yeah! lolz!" whoops!
liz is so boringly annoying in this one she doesn't even make it into the blog.
1BRUCE1 forevs!
five stars.
i digress.
so bruce (SWOON!) falls in love with regina and everyone is like - what? regina?! but she's like DEAF! well hells yeah she's deaf, but you totally CANNOT tell because she learnt to lip read real good in special schools and because she can hear "tones" she can talk totally normally! most peeps down at the SVH campus think the whole thing is whack and that bruce is just an asshole in a nice shirt with a cute deaf girl on his arm and that's all it'll ever be, but GUESS WHAT you guys, bruce (SWO... ah you get my point!) proves you (not me, because i like totally get him) all wrong by giving up dinners in the mansion with regina so that she can go live in SWITZERLAND for a year and be cured of her deafness! because, kids, in sweet valley there 'aint nothin' a dude called dr. friederich can't fix if you got the right kind of cashola.
who's wondering what jess has been up to this whole time? she's out busy trying to sabotage bruce & regina's relationship because if she does then lila will TOTALLY write her term paper. super idea jess, except that everyone knows LILA CAN'T EVEN READ GOOD let alone write a passable history term paper and then when you get a D on your paper you will be like - GAH! got to make plans to steal lila's construction worker boyfriend! OMG SERIOUSLY? jess is also to be found during this book out in the fiat convertible crushing on boys who used to be deaf before they met dr. friederich which is pretty cool and really open minded of her really. probably this could be the most open minded we've seen jess, she should get some props here...
actually maybe not, only because of the bit where jess calls regina's house later and is like - "can i talk to regina please" and her mum is like "dude, regina is deaf y'all!" and jess is like "oh yeah! lolz!" whoops!
liz is so boringly annoying in this one she doesn't even make it into the blog.
1BRUCE1 forevs!
five stars.
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