Friday, August 5, 2011

playing with fire #3

so, after reading sweet valley confidential which ignited a fire of flaming, burning hatred for the "writer", "francine pascal" i was somewhat hesitant to continue with my reading of all the sweet valley high books ever written mission. could i ever read about todd again without thinking of him shagging jessica all day under liz's nose? could i ever revive my tween crush on steven now that i know he left his wife cara to bake in the kitchen only to be with aaron? it was a tough decision, but then i looked at all the svh books sitting unread on my bookshelf and decided yes. i paid 70p for those!

actually once i started this one it was fine, and worth way more than 70p. this was pure svh gold my friends. bruce patman love of my svh life stars as jessica's new bf. he is SUCH a jerk to her, making her skip classes, quit cheerleading, make out in the woods even though elizabeth has gone mental, he even gets tries to get her topless in the river! :-O

bruce is so cool with his 1BRUCE1 number plate on his black porsche like seriously. he is the richest and hottest guy on the planet so when jessica gives up her whole life, personality and everything she believes in (cheerleading and new wave outfits) to be with him it's like totally understandable.

liz is less than impressed and when she's not busy trying to follow the droids around (svh's most awesome rockband for those without the know, who have just found a manager who promises them the big time, but actually he is a JERK too and really just wants to get a date with the singer) she is trying to split up jess and bruce by badmouthing him at every opportunity and not really doing much else actually.

but every girl who has ever dated a JERK knows that you can only come to the realisation that you're dating a JERK by yourself no matter how many of your friends tell you that he is a JERK, and jessica does indeed come to  this realisation when she sees BRUCE at the pizza place with a gorgeous redhead. ok stop there, bruce cheats on jessica wakefield - the perfect blonde, tanned cheerleader with a gorgeous pale redhead? 100 POINTS FOR BRUCE! ok cheating is never ok, but it's refreshing to see a blonde get duped for a redhead once in a while.

jessica goes nuts of course and she pours a jug of soda over his head and throws an ENTIRE PIZZA into his face. 10 points for women's lib.

5 stars.

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