who likes olivia and wants to read a whole book about her? no one really. she's kind of boring. she's liz's mate and nothing else really. i don't even know why i picked this book up when there are so many other hilarious looking SVH's to read on my bookshelf.
but actually, i kind of liked it! it was totally cute!
so we all know olivia dresses weird and does paintings and is kind of a mess. like she doesn't even have a boyfriend or anything. well guess what? she meets a guy who thinks she is a HOT mess! he's hot, but he's a starving artist and liv is like - oh crap, i like doing art works, but do i like it enough to live off one tea bag a day? she starts having serious doubts about not only her art, but her whole person and her outlook on life and THEN when her straight laced cousin emily arrives in town livvy is all like - damn i want to wear a suit and go to an office and buy cappuccinos every day!
so guess what though? emily meets james (the starving guy) and she gets THE HOTS FOR him! he's all starving and arty and that's like so hot right now. emily even starts wearing liv's clothes when she's not there and it's kind of creepy.
at first liv is digging the new her, she feels confident and like rich and successful and hot and stuff, but when james tells her she's being a total jerk she kind of realises that actually, she wants to wear a floaty skirt and do an artwork, but maybe still be able to buy a whole box of tea as well.
a lesson for us all here kids. be true to yourself but have enough money to buy stuff.
loved it.
6 stars.
wise words, vicki :) this is so cute x