basically the jist is that deedee and bill have broken up. i mean everyone thought they were the perfect couple! except jess of course, who already tried to date bill on at least 6 other occasions. so everyone is like, that's so weird that those guys broke up, but not so weird when you find out that for the past few months deedee has basically thrown her whole life away and made her entire existence about bill's life. she pretty much follows him around like a lap puppy, makes plans around all his plans and doesn't do anything else. no wonder bill is like - wth girl!
the whole rest of the book is basically deedee's character journey from total loser to confident single babe with loads of interests, and wouldn't you just know it, but at the end bill is like - oh yeah i forgot how great you are and [SPOILER!!!] they get back together.
how lame.
but seriously, this is a great message for us ladies. don't let your man define you and girl power and stuff.
three stars, mainly for the cover art.
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