any book that has an exclamation mark in the title is ok by me. hostage! was pretty awesome. it was like dan brown had gone in a time machine back to 1986 and joined francine pascal's dream team of ghost writers for like a day. i'm assuming it only takes a day to write one, like it's taking me between an hour an half to two hours to read one.
this book was pretty sweet, it was like go-go-go from go to woah. regina morrow used to be deaf right, but then she went to switzerland to get this treatment that like makes her not-deaf any more (what?). and then while she's there she gets kidnapped and taken back to sweet valley because these criminals want her dad's microchip that he developed that is going to forever change the way we use computers (SO dan brown!)!

so jess and liz come up with all these mad schemes that involve delivering groceries in bruce's black porsche (oh yeah, i'm totes crushing on bruce right now) and hiding letters in fashion magazines and jess sluts it up for the criminal's son and kind of has a big crush on him because he looks SO decent in a crop top and short shorts!
no one wins a prize for guessing that [SPOILER] everyone gets saved in the end, nicholas (hot brother of regina who like randomly makes out with liz in the fiat convertable when hiding from criminals) almost gets shot, but doesn't. the criminals go to jail and the hot son of said criminals is free "yay!" says jessica as she completely forgets about him and starts flirting with randoms at the "free from hostages party" the morrows have thrown at their mansion on the hill. it's like the best party EVER, not only is everyone alive, but like there is a rock band and cocktail franks!
dan brown could put some more cocktail franks and red convertibles in his books i think.
this book was pretty sweet, it was like go-go-go from go to woah. regina morrow used to be deaf right, but then she went to switzerland to get this treatment that like makes her not-deaf any more (what?). and then while she's there she gets kidnapped and taken back to sweet valley because these criminals want her dad's microchip that he developed that is going to forever change the way we use computers (SO dan brown!)!

so jess and liz come up with all these mad schemes that involve delivering groceries in bruce's black porsche (oh yeah, i'm totes crushing on bruce right now) and hiding letters in fashion magazines and jess sluts it up for the criminal's son and kind of has a big crush on him because he looks SO decent in a crop top and short shorts!
no one wins a prize for guessing that [SPOILER] everyone gets saved in the end, nicholas (hot brother of regina who like randomly makes out with liz in the fiat convertable when hiding from criminals) almost gets shot, but doesn't. the criminals go to jail and the hot son of said criminals is free "yay!" says jessica as she completely forgets about him and starts flirting with randoms at the "free from hostages party" the morrows have thrown at their mansion on the hill. it's like the best party EVER, not only is everyone alive, but like there is a rock band and cocktail franks!
dan brown could put some more cocktail franks and red convertibles in his books i think.