it's amazing how much can happen in just 10 days in france when you're like blonde and american! liz gets followed by a stray dog who belongs to a crazy old countess with a gorgeous grandson who is like uber rich and totally hot. liz is semi-up for it, but she has a crush on rene, her home stay family's son, even though he is a total JERK because he thinks americans are morons. jess meets this not-hot guy, marc who is like so not hot, but he drives a porsche and his parents belong to some like exclusive beach club so jessica befriends him in the hopes that he might have some hotter friends or some richer ones or something.
meanwhile back in sweet valley steven has fallen in love with ferney, rene's sister who is staying with the wakefields. ferney is the spitting image of his girlfriend who just died and he's like hanging out with her all the time which is making cara, his actual girlfriend totally pissed off!
then back in france again and jessica falls in love with jean-claude (the old crazy countess's grandson) and pretends to be liz so she can make out with him in a boat! and then the boat gets caught in a storm and everyone almost dies!! :-O
seriously, what other book IN THE WORLD can fit this much drama into 200 pages? like none. five stars.
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