when "easy" annie whitman auditions for the cheerleading squad all hell breaks loose! jessica is like - "i am NOT having EASY annie on my cheerleading squad! everyone will think i'm easy!" the problem is that easy annie is a better cheerleader than jessica, and that makes her even MADDER! jess decides to just sabotage the whole thing and [SPOILER!] basically bribes the other cheerleaders into voting for sandra bacon (NOMS!!) even though she falls on her fat (not really, everyone in sweet valley is a size 6) ass during try-outs.
ok so this is where it gets AWESOME! [TOTAL SPOILER TO THE MAX!] so then annie goes home and TRIES TO KILL HERSELF because - holy shit, if you can't be in the sweet valley high cheerleading squad there is just no point in living!! so she's in hospital and then JESSICA comes in and she's like - OMG easy annie is in a freaking COMA and it's all my fault. so she cries and everyone runs out to comfort her because no one likes to see jess CRY! and they basically leave annie to die.

[SPOILER] easy annie doesn't die though, because jessica stays up all night with her, and she's like - "annie, you can be in the cheerleading squad if you don't die" and then OH MY GOD annie WAKES UP!
so easy annie gets on the cheerleading squad after all, her mum breaks up with her dead beat (possible paedo) boyfriend, annie realises that she has other things to live for apart from cheerleading (not really, because like what else is there?) and everyone lives happily ever after! YAY! NEXT!
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