the new jessica #32
so this one is pretty dramatic. it all starts when jessica gets pissed off because elizabeth's new boyfriend jeffrey confuses the two of them. instead of trying to steal him (well she does later in the book actually) she DYES HER HAIR BLACK like a total pre-emo! everyone thinks she looks amazing and like "european" in her new clothes that she bought at the mall on credit to go with her new hair colour (hey, we all know what it's like to change your hair colour and realise that you can't wear any of your clothes any more!). liz is the only one who's goat has been gotten. she thinks jess dyed her hair black because she didn't want to be a twin any more and she gets all crazy-style and picks fights with jeffrey and pretty much breaks up with him because he said that jess's hair looked nice, and then she's in a panic because she lost her diary at school, like hello elizabeth, why are you writing all your personal thoughts in a diary and taking it to school? lucky your diary is like TOTALLY BORING!
meanwhile, jess joins a modelling agency because now she's an emo and she's stopped eating lunch so she's like totally hot and skinny. [SPOILER!] she doesn't end up getting the job, what happens is that LIZ gets the job because they want someone blonde. jess is absolutely FURIOUS and so she washes her hair like once and all the black dye comes out (i guess hair dye wasn't so advanced in the 80s, because like black over natural blonde?) but it works out perfectly because she can do the modelling gig the next day with her blonde hair pretending to be liz. but then the guy running the fashion show finds out anyway and doesn't really care because he just wanted a hot blonde and that was what he got, but then at the last minute he asks liz to be in the show too but he doesn't pay her! EXTORTION!
i wish there was more hair dying in sweet valley.
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