sweet valley confidential has just been released this week. i have mixed feelings about this. do i really want to know what jessica and elizabeth would be doing now? can't i just pretend they lived happily ever after? can't they just be trapped in the 80s for ALL OF ETERNITY? i had decided that i was not going to read it, and ignore all the hype and whatever about the new book, but then i like won a proof copy via the facebook page. the update on my feed was "if you saw jessica and elizabeth walking down the street what would you say to them? best 10 answers win a proof copy!" so i suggested that jessica and i should go drink ourselves into a stupor and leave elizabeth at home. apparently the standard of entries was quite low because i won.
anyway, check this out, it's francine pascal's HOUSE! OMG! link: francine pascal's house!
anyway, check this out, it's francine pascal's HOUSE! OMG! link: francine pascal's house!
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